A match that worked... Almost 2 years ago, our lives changed, He was a single man enjoying life and I was a single woman afraid to enjoy it. But God had a plan for both of us and so he brought us together. An American Boy and a Brazilian girl from Rio. I fell in love with his smell, his smile and the way he makes me laugh. He fell in love with my care, my affection and the friendship we created. We are best friends, we trust each other, we are partners for life and great lovers. Love happens little by little, it grows little by little and that's how we lived. We've been living together for a year and haven't been apart since. Today there are 5 of us, me, him, Gunner, Greta and Miko and if we put our children together we will be 10. My friends became his friends and his friends became mine. The family only grows and so does our love. And we invite you, who are part of our history, to celebrate with us this very important and happy day for us. Welcome to our Wedding.